The online voice of cambridge campus students
by Holly Buboltz

Class registration shouldn’t have to be as hectic as we make it out to be. One of the best suggestions I can give you is to know when registration is and register as quickly as possible to get the classes you want. Registration dates for Anoka-Ramsey Community College (ARCC) are as follows: students with 30 or more credits may register on Nov. 15 or later. Students with 15 or more credits may register on Nov. 16 or later. Students with one or more credits may register on Nov. 17 or later. Students with 0 credits that have completed testing and orientation as well as current and returning PSEO students may register on Nov. 18 or later. Nov. 19 is open registration.

However, you don’t want to make too hasty of a decision either. Choosing a class is more than clicking on a name that sounds cool. When you find a class you want or need to take, check out who is teaching it or if the instructors name sounds familiar. Understanding who your professor is and what they are about can make all the difference in a class.

Pay attention to the times the classes you want to take are offered at. Ask yourself when you are most alert. Is it during the morning, afternoon, or evening? Let this information reflect in your choice. Make sure you don’t choose classes that are overlapping in times. Also, if you have a job be sure to coordinate your school and work schedules smoothly.

Another aspect of choosing classes to consider is online versus seated classes. There are more and more classes being offered online and it’s best to pay attention to that aspect when selecting a class. Students learn best in different settings, so ask yourself if you learn best in a classroom or on a computer. Remember that if you do decide to take an online class the deadlines may be stricter than what you’d find in a classroom setting. You can’t argue with a closed dropbox. Also, when taking online classes you must remember to check the website almost daily and keep up with the class. Keep in mind, in an online class you aren’t given the opportunity to make face-to-face relationships with your peers and instructor.

All in all, registering for classes is about paying close attention to the details and picking what classes will work best with you, and your life.